Ciccarelli Lab


Dr. Ciccarelli is an Assistant Professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine and adjunct faculty in the School of Molecular Biosciences at WSU. She is a veterinarian scientist board-certified in Comparative Theriogenology with over a decade of experience working with various species. Her primary interest lies in comparative translational science. As a young Principal Investigator, her long-term goals include understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying germ cell development in male testes to advance the knowledge of the origins of the spermatogenic lineage and improve the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in both men and animals. Recently, she has focused on using dogs as a novel biomedical model to study spermatogenesis due to their similarities in testicular size, anatomy, kinetics, and disease states with humans. Additionally, her preliminary transcriptomic data for perinatal time points in pigs have identified unique genes whose function has yet to be explored in mice and other species. Dr. Ciccarelli also works on improving livestock reproductive capacity by genetically engineering production traits to find alternative ways to feed the ever-growing global population.
